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May 19-22, 2025 | San Antonio, TX
Emerson Exchange 2025

Early Bird Registration Now Through April 14

<span style="color:#00488e;"><strong>Execution Excellence</strong></span>

Execution Excellence

Developing close relationships comes second nature to the Scallon team. Our relationships enable us to understand what our customers truly value and therefore anticipate their needs and expectations. Through our history and experience at their specific plant, we can leverage local knowledge and our technical acumen for the benefit of our customers. When we respond, we’re quick, start on time, and get the job done correctly the first time. Our solutions are of the highest quality—this translates to avoiding major downtime or catastrophes and saving money in the long run. When asked, “What’s your downtime worth?”, our customers respond that they not only understand but can also quantify the true value of working with Scallon.

Why Scallon Controls

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