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Electrical Control & Monitoring System (ECMS) Electrical Control & Monitoring System (ECMS)
Power required by an industrial plant is provided by in-plant generators and supplemented by power bought from the national grid.

Power required by an industrial plant is provided by in-plant generators and supplemented by power bought from the national grid.

Our ECMS system responds precisely to electrical disturbances to help plants meet their energy requirements efficiently.

The Emerson Ovation™ Electrical Control and Monitoring System (ECMS) automates substation control and can be used to satisfy power and steam demands, or to maintain stable generating conditions when sites experience electrical disturbances. The ECMS provides functionality for data acquisition, display, history collection, alarming, and reporting. Additionally, it includes applications for tie-line power monitoring, tie-line control, generator load control, optimization of steam and power production, performance calculations, breaker control, and much more.

Maintain stable generating conditions
Meet energy requirements efficiently
Optimize production
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(409) 842-5950