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Packaged Wellhead Automation Packaged Wellhead Automation
In the search for capital project efficiency, companies have often found it difficult to ‘Design One and Build Many’.

In the search for capital project efficiency, companies have often found it difficult to ‘Design One and Build Many’.

By utilizing our industry experience and expertise, we can assist with the delivery of scalable, repeatable solutions that minimize capital costs. Our complete well pad solution includes RTUs and flow computers, power and communication systems, end devices and packaging that complement unique operation needs.

Our certified manufacturing facilities provide regulatory compliant fixtures that safeguard your automation instrumentation from extreme temperature and corrosive environments.

Initial design stage involvement by our team of experts enables automation instrument cabinets and panels to be standardized for future reproduction, effortlessly accommodating expansion and evolving functionality needs.
Safeguard automation instrumentation from extreme temperatures and corrosive environments
Gain flexibility for future expansions and evolving needs
Get in touch with an expert, find your nearest office location, or send us a note about your next project.
Talk to one of our experts now
(409) 842-5950