Stan developed his skills and exceptional talent under exceptional circumstances. As someone who repaired fighter jets in the Marine Corps and served in the infantry, he had to read and commit to memory some of the information contained in 60-70 manuals, each roughly ten inches thick, to adequately troubleshoot and repair F/A 18 Hornets. “Once you’ve had to learn and perform in military operations where the stakes are unimaginably high, you appreciate the value of what you provide every day.”
After the military and as an early career technician, Stan learned to count on his intuition and creativity to develop his own style of diagnosis. His secret weapons: grease and a screwdriver! Using a visual grease test for thread wear from heavy use, as well as his sharp auditory skills to monitor any changes in the harmonic sound, he is able to determine the electric health of the motor and accurately predict failures before they occurred. This made him an overnight superstar. His ability to fully memorize manuals to learn about assemblies and actuation was also highly valued.