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Tempest Venture
TempestTM Venture provides valuable economic evaluation based on simulation results.
Capably handling inflation rates, prices, currencies, cost, taxes and other variables, this smart solution produces cash flow analysis in graphical format for more robust simulation analysis.
Tempest Venture


Operating System
Supports Windows and Linux – contact us for specific information


  • Increase efficiency with automatic loading of production data for all supported simulators
  • Reliably handle inflation rates, prices, currencies, costs, taxes and other variables with a user-friendly interface
  • Flexibly accommodate 2D plots and tables of all input and derived data
  • Use in batch mode from a control run file
  • Easily manage results with all user data stored in an editable ASCII file
  • Export to most commercial simulators, including Tempest… ENABLE, ECLIPSE* 100/300, Nexus/VIP* and IMEX/GEM/STARS*. (*Mark of Schlumberger, Landmark and CMG.)