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Reliability Services Reliability Services

Sound Reliability Practices Can Transform Your Operations

Whether your problem asset is part of a machine train or a field device, applying predictive intelligence can mean the difference between making or missing production goals.
For rotating equipment, predictive intelligence can determine asset health, allowing you to reduce scheduled and unscheduled downtime, drive down maintenance costs and increase safety and availability. Predictive diagnostics on field devices enable you to keep them configured, calibrated, and operating effectively, protecting the reliability of your production equipment. And when critical assets require protection monitoring, API-compliant protection capabilities can be integrated with prediction so you can operate your plant safely and with confidence.
Our continuous monitoring solution ties into customers' DCS systems to give alerts when conditions reach a ‘concern’ level, as well as analytics for predictive modeling.

A Strategic Approach Yields Significant Business Results

  • Reducing asset risk of unexpected and/or catastrophic failures prevents a potential shutdown.
  • Predictive maintenance optimizes production run lengths and enables more effective scheduled downtime by reducing events.
  • Safety improvements reduce the personal risk of potential hazards.
  • Multiple data points on multiple assets enable the customer to see trends and set baseline highs and lows.
  • Operators can be alerted if something is out of the baseline or not running correctly. Various levels of alerts (yellow or red) can be customized, by asset.
  • ​Data can be manipulated for higher diagnostic confidence and predictive analytics.
  • Transitioning to a culture of predictive maintenance focused on how it’s supposed to run versus how it actually runs, has additional benefits.
If You Eliminate Just One Unplanned Shutdown,
You’ve Already Paid for the Solution.
Contact Our Reliability Experts to Learn How.
(409) 842-5950