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Scallon Controls Helps Batch Process Manufacturer Realize a 40% Increase in Output Scallon Controls Helps Batch Process Manufacturer Realize a 40% Increase in Output
“Scallon replaced our previously outdated control system with modern DeltaV™ technology, which included a strategic software implementation plan. This modernization project increased our output by 40%, enabling us to be more efficient and profitable. We’re now ready to duplicate that effort—and those results—at our next plant.”

 — Operations Manager, Batch Process Customer

This long-time chemical manufacturer chose to replace its outdated control system with DeltaV for several reasons: modern hardware and software, cybersecurity benefits, and because the DeltaV Batch software would automate their manually driven process. The overall objective of this project was to streamline their batch process to be less time consuming and more adaptable to changes. Previously, when altering recipes or process models, the operators had to change each valve or step in the sequence. Now, the batch software does it all automatically within the DeltaV software configuration—removing time, guesswork, and room for error.

Scallon Controls' long-time relationship with this customer (spanning fifteen years), as well as its strategic relationship with Emerson, has enabled a win-win collaboration. The collective project team created a solution that delivered both a strategy and the appropriate resources to meet the customer’s objectives—from plan through implementation, and post-project support.

The Result For Our Customer: An Incredible 40% Increase in Output!
How do we know? They look at their operations totals every day to keep track of those metrics. 

Our Execution Excellence Philosophy

  • Goal Orientation: We help customers meet their objectives and exceed their expectations.
  • Affiliation With Emerson: We leverage Emerson's expertise to meet customer goals.
  • Expertise: Knowledge of the customer, their facilities, and their processes, as well as our local engineering resources and batch expertise, enable project success.
  • Local Accountability: Because of our capabilities as an engineering and project management resource, we can be accountable for everything—start to finish.
  • Post-Project Support: We support our projects completely, staying with the customer not only throughout a project, but also after the project is complete.
Custom Batch Software Enhances DeltaV™ Upgrade

Custom Batch Software Enhances DeltaV™ Upgrade

Emerson’s batch process experts took the lead on developing the custom software configuration, while Scallon put its engineering team to work on all other aspects of the project—including a FEED study, project design, hardware procurement/installation/configuration, controller replacements, graphics configuration, and transitioning between the old and new software configurations. The entire implementation and custom software development took place over a six-month period. 

This customer is now looking to implement the same solution at another U.S. plant and implement others overseas. In addition to this project, they are utilizing Scallon Controls’ embedded resource program for day-to-day maintenance and cybersecurity initiatives.
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(409) 842-5950